Guy’s Hospital
Great Maze Pond London SE1 9RT
Consultant ENT Surgeon and Laryngologist Yakubu Karagama
St Thomas’ Hospital
Westminster Bridge Road London SE1 7EH
Professor Joerg Steier
Here you will find all the important information about the application, the Inspire system and answers to frequently asked questions about the Upper Airway Stimulation.
Tongue pacemaker therapy for sleep apnoea as an alternative to the CPAP mask – Everything about function, requirements and cost coverage by the health insurance fund
Documents for the initial interview at the clinic:
Own documentation of at least 2-3 unsuccessful improvement attempts with a doctor. The doctor can then transfer this information into the requi
In the Star trial the upper-airway stimulation led to significant improvements of the severity of obstructive sleep apnea. Here you will find the data from this trial.