Are you curious and would like to learn more about Inspire therapy? Here you will find current press releases, information brochures as well as image and video material. Please direct your press enquiries to
Upper airway stimulation – how it works, therapy procedure, experiences, costs and more. The patient brochure offers detailed information about the Inspire therapy.
Brief information about Inspire
Find the most important information about sleep apnoea therapy with upper airway stimulation clearly, briefly and concisely compiled.
Inspire therapy – Information for doctors - ENT brochure
Proven sleep apnea procedure – find out more about the Inspire Motor Nerve Stimulation, the Inspire Care Pathway and the four pillars of building a successful Inspire Program.
Inspire therapy – Information for doctors - Sleep MD Brochure
Inspire therapy can help patients with CPAP Intolerance. Brief information about the procedure, clinical outcomes and stimulation effect during sleep. Find out if your patients are eligible.