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    Mrs. Julia Suvorova
    (Team lead Medical Support)


    Mrs. Julia Suvorova
    (Team lead Medical Support)

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    of charge by phone
    (mo - fr: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.)

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Long-term consequences of sleep problems

Repeated lack of sleep or repeated poor quality sleep can lead to long-term problems:

  • Lack of concentration
  • Headache
  • Resilience and stress resistance decrease
  • Balance problems
  • Weight gain/weight loss
  • Listlessness

If the lack of sleep is not compensated for over a longer period of time, this can lead to life-threatening situations such as microsleep while driving. But even away from road traffic, severe fatigue and lack of concentration have a negative impact on our physical and mental health.

Breathing-related sleep disorders

Sleep disorders that affect breathing, such as sleep apnoea, lead to a significant impairment of well-being. This sleep-disordered breathing can be caused in two ways:

  • In centrally caused breathing pauses (central sleep apnoea), which originate from the brain, the respiratory drive is missing. The respiratory muscles do not receive signals for breathing from the respiratory centre. This leads to multiple pauses in breathing during sleep.
  • When the airways become constricted or closed by the tongue and surrounding tissues, it is called obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA).

Depending on the severity of the sleep-related breathing disorder, those affected not only feel listless and tired the next day, but in some cases have to reckon with serious consequences. People who suffer from obstructive sleep apnoea with daytime sleepiness are three to seven times more likely to have an accident on the road. The risk of circulatory diseases, diabetes and strokes is also significantly increased by OSA.

OSA can also become a problem for the social environment. Because if the airways are closed, snoring noises can also affect the partner's sleep. It is not only health that is at risk, but also the relationship between partners.

Classic and new treatment options can help with sleep-related breathing disorders. Depending on the findings, even simple measures such as weight reduction or a change in sleeping position can alleviate the symptoms.

However, if it is a moderate or severe form of sleep apnoea, the condition must be treated with respiratory therapy (CPAP) or an alternative therapy so that those affected can sleep restfully again.

What could also be of interest to you:

Tips for falling asleep

Man sleeping in bed. Healthy sleep is important for body and mind

Sleep phases from falling asleep to REM

Man sleeping in bed. Healthy sleep is important for body and mind

Information material

Remote control for uppe airways stimulation within easy reach on the bedside table.